Provincia de Buenos Aires

Surf zone description

The rib is trully crowded during the summer (in January / February), Thus to disadvise if you come to surf! As far as it is not either the best season to cross waves !!

It is better to spend time taking advantage of the great show offered on the beach (thing which it is difficult to us to describe... even impossible, it is better to go to notice it of the own eyes, even if it would be only once... just to be able to die without regrets!) and of the holiday at night, rather than to wait for waves!
Il vaut mieux passer son temps a profiter du spectacle sur la plage (chose qu'il nous est difficile de décrire...même vaut mieux aller le constater de ses propres yeux, ne serait-ce qu'une fois, histoire de pouvoir mourir sans regrets!) et de la fête la nuit, plutôt que d'attendre les vagues!

Remarque: le topless n'est pas interdit mais fortement déconseillé...

Travel within the zone "Provincia de Buenos Aires"

Although we can think of the opposite, the sea isn't present in Boenos Aires but only the "Rio de la Plata", and even no breaker. (mascaret) The beaches of the Atlantic rib are, roughly speaking, at 4 hours of bus of the Capital. They are harmed, in any seasons, by numerous bus companies.