La Puntilla

Accès au spot "La Puntilla"

La Puntalla Pichelemu's closest point break. At the extreme left of the main beach, close to the Super 9 supermarket. You can't miss it, all the roads lead to this beach. The wave is long with several sections, making it slightly less perfect than other point breaks but giving the opportunity for everyone to surf.

Accès au line up "La Puntilla"

To access the break, you will need to walk up to the point, then watch the locals as they paddle between the rocks to access the line up. The current will push you quietly to the break. As you surf the wave you'll be brought closer to the sand... The idea is to paddle back to the line up and catch as many waves as you can and then to walk back to the point and start again.

Dangers du spot "La Puntilla"

There is a strong current

Schéma du spot "La Puntilla"

Direction de vague
Fréquentation week-end
Surf en famille
Type de break



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