West Guerrero

Surf zone description

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Travel within the zone "West Guerrero"

To reach the spots, you 'd be better off driving a 4WD ! If you hire it in Mexico city, try a local operator ( a lot cheaper than the major companies....) And we advise you to take out a LDW ( Loss Damage Waver) ! You will realize that's it's not a waste of money ! A special tip for you : your road map and the actual road network are two very different worlds ! You stand a good chance to be surprised more than once.... Especially if you are of the kind to rather venture off the highways, be prepared for the roads are winding up and down as soon as you leave the Mexican plateau ! One more thing : don't drive at night ( especially on coastal roads ! ) Actually, assaults are not uncommon, and you are easy meat "para los banditos ").