Vest Agder

Surf zone description

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Travel within the zone "Vest Agder"

By plane : Flights from/to Kristiansand international airport. By bus : scheduled connections from Kristiansand to Mandal, Arendal, Oslo, Flekkefjord, Kvnesdal, Lyngdal by "Nor-Way Bussekspress" For Information and booking call 81-54-44-44 By boat : - Ferries from Kristiansand to Danemark by "Hirtshals". - Boat travels to Lillesand (2 boats per day, but in july only). By train : Possibility to travel by train (by "NSB") from Kristiansand only (online booking :

Satellite Map


Flekkefjord 2
Kristiansand 1
Mandal 2