East Agder (Aust Agder)

Surf zone description

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Travel within the zone "East Agder (Aust Agder)"

By train: Daily departure with "NSB" from Kristiansand (about 1h50min)or from Oslo (about 4h30min) to go to Arendal. By bus: Daily departure with "Nettbuss Sor" propose from Kristiansand (1h) or from Oslo(durée 4h) to go to Arendal. By plane: - flight to Kristiansand (Kjevik airport), then bus to Arendal (bus for every departures and arrivals). - flight to Oslo (Gardemoen airport), and train (or bus) to Oslo city. Then choose the means you prefer to link up Arendal.

Satellite Map


Arendal 1